Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead.

..I wish nothing but the best for you too.

At this point in time, where I am in my life, those lyrics run around in my head as if they're little reminders in my head. You see, I'm a woman who is totally heed over heels in love with a man. And have been with the last 10 years.

Let me take you back ten years, I was sent to school in a neighbouring county. There, I met a rather lovely boy named D. I was obsessed with him, he was an absolute ride! It was decided in school that we would all get the bus into Tramore and have a great drink, chip, amusement rides filled night. A few hours into the night, a friend named B, asked if I would "shift D, because its his birthday" I was bleedin Delira agus excira!

After a grand aul shift down in the beach we went for a romantic stroll to the chipper. That was night where my life changed(oh the dramatics) We both finished school, remaining together throughout. Both went onto college, still completely madly in love.

Shortly after my 21st birthday, I learned I had fallen pregnant. Initially worried at first,
that was soon push aside with my excitement. Alas, it wasn't to be, shortly after I had a
miscarriage and it rocked both or lives. We grieved differently and did not no how to cope with each other. After a few weeks of constant arguing, we split. We needed that time apart, to grieve in our own way, grieve for a child we never met, a child we could never meet. After three months apart we gave it another go, we were both past the stage of blaming ourselves and were able to be wishful for the future.

Before my 25th birthday I found out in was pregnant again, over the moon with excitement and also worry. Layla arrived 13 weeks early on the 3rd of September, weighing just 2lb 2oz. She
was tiny, it was a a tense time for us and our family. She is now the apple of my eye at six months.

Unfortunately, D and I have split due to suckish reasons. He is the man I love and probably always will, he is the father to my three children and the 15 year old I once only knew as 'The roide'

...Never mind I'll find someone like you.


  1. Oh no Laura I am so sorry to hear that:-(

  2. me too Laura i'm so sorry to hear it.Wish i could do something more helpful than comment. Hope you are staying strong and being looked after by your mam and dad etc x

  3. Thank you girls, in the long run I know it is for the best. Still a complete shock to the system and sure I have L and the girls arrival to keep me busy :) x
